Friday, June 8, 2007

Early birds & early commuters.

I don't believe in alarm clocks.

This would be acceptable if a) I went to sleep at a normal hour, or b) my body had any sort of sense of time. Unfortunately, I can make neither claim, which means that my sleeping schedule is more or less a wreck, and what I do manage to achieve in the hazy waking hours is little to none.

Somehow this doesn't bother me in the slightest.

I've officially become a night owl. Something about being awake when hundreds of other people in this college are fast asleep is is strangely satisfying, like having a secret to yourself. It's comforting, in a way, to dabble away through the night, accompanied only by the hum of the refrigerator. This has become so routine that the sounds of the morning cafeteria food delivery, the water running as my suitemates awaken one by one, and the campus shuttles beginning their daily loops are just the soundtrack to my nights.

Somehow I'm able to disregard my bodily urges to go to bed - the only sign that causes me to even entertain the idea of crawling into my heaven of soft cotton and fluffy down is the rising sun, accompanied by the sounds of chirping birds and light traffic. How on earth did I manage to get up (on the occasion that I did) at 7:00 in high school? These days I reward myself for even waking in time for my 11:oo music class; mind you, whether or not I actually find the motivation to attend is a different story altogether.

Time to sleep.

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